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How to connect antennas of WiBOX SA D4M5-90-17HVX, WiBOX PA D4M5-20HVX and WiBOX PA D4M6-20HVX in MIMO 3x3 and MIMO 4x4 configurations
Jak to zrobić ? grudzień 22, 2014

The standard of 802.11n offers the connection in MIMO technology. There is a possibility to use 1-4 polarizations in that standard. These days the most popular are 2x2 connections using Horizontal and Vertical polarizations. For more than 2 antennas to separate radio streams there are needed more polarization options. We achieve them by the rotation of antennas achieving X polarity, so simply speaking means +45 and -45 deg polarity (with relation to V or H polarity).

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What gives us MIMO X-polarity system ?
Jak to zrobić ? luty 1, 2014

At the beginning it’s important to determine the definition of X-polarity. In our case X-polarity is slant +/- 45 deg polarization, so simply speaking means MIMO antenna rotated of 45 deg. This technique is used for example in 3x3 and 4x4 antennas in 802.11n standard or in more complex standards as 802.11ac.

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Wireless Instruments is excited to introduce our new line of outdoor antennas, operating within the impressive wide band frequency range of 600MHz to 6000MHz.

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Wireless Instruments proudly announces that it has been honored with the highly coveted Forbes Diamonds 2023 award. This prestigious accolade serves as a testament to the company´s unwavering dedication to achieving remarkable growth and success in today´s competitive business landscape.