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Friday, 2th March 2018

Wireless Instruments company would like to thank to all the companies which we met for their comming to that event. 

Tuesday, 20th February 2018

Wireless Intruments Ltd has a pleasure to announce special Mimosa dedicated antenna series. The special offer is addressed to two Mimosa Access Points: A5C and C5C. We got the official recommendation from MIMOSA technical team !


Tuesday, 20th February 2018

Wireless Intruments Ltd has a pleasure to announce special Mimosa dedicated antenna series. The special offer is addressed to two Mimosa Access Points: A5C and C5C. We got the official recommendation from MIMOSA technical team !

Thursday, 17th August 2017

Informujemy, że w wyniku zapytania ofertowego na dostawę wtryskarki hydraulicznej z serwomotorem została wybrana oferta firmy:

MAPRO Polska Sp. z o.o.
ul. Złota 197,  42-202 Częstochowa
NIP 573-283-97-56 | REGON 242769954

Tuesday, 1th August 2017

W związku z realizacją projektu "Wdrożenie efektywnej energetycznie linii produkcyjnej anten telekomunikacyjnych” Wireless Instruments Sp. z o.o. zaprasza wszystkich zainteresowanych dostawców do składania ofert na dostawę wtryskarki hydraulicznej z serwomotorem. Kod CPV zamówienia: 42994200-2 - Maszyny do przerobu tworzyw sztucznych.

Sunday, 2th April 2017

Wireless Instruments company took part in MikroTik User Meeting in Milano (Italy 30-31st) March 2017. 

Monday, 8th May 2023

Wireless Instruments is excited to introduce our new line of outdoor antennas, operating within the impressive wide band frequency range of 600MHz to 6000MHz.

Monday, 13th February 2023

Wireless Instruments proudly announces that it has been honored with the highly coveted Forbes Diamonds 2023 award. This prestigious accolade serves as a testament to the company´s unwavering dedication to achieving remarkable growth and success in today´s competitive business landscape.