One of our Customers faced the problem of increasing the real throughput in the communication in the Moscow subway. They needed connection between a moving train and stationary points in a tunnel, with NLOS conditions and roaming between APs in the tunnel. The system is based on the Cisco 5 GHz Access Points of Cisco Aironet 3600 Series AP units and WiBOX PA D4M5-20HVX MIMO 4x4 directional antennas. The installation has been done at the standard of 802.11n on MIMO 4x4 technology (exactly with 3SS + one stream for a beamforming).
One of our local Customers was looking for an efficient radio link for a short distance of 520m. We offered him our new MIMO 2x2 antennas of WIBOX PA M5-20HV. The Customer installed RouterBoards 800 with R52nM in the antenna boxes